6th annual outing on May 18, 2024!

It will be great fun!

HAITI 2022

Haiti reminds us that our work to help those who have so little is not finished.

We are called to ‘live simply so that others may simply live’ (Mother Teresa) and there are millions of people in Haiti that struggle every day with inadequate food, bacteria infested water, poor housing situations, lack of education.

The complexity of the situation in this country can make a person’s head spin.  So much help is pouring into the country from so many well intentioned people, yet too many Haitians are as bad off today as they were decades ago.

Does that mean that we stop helping?  Throw are arms in the air in defeat?  Consider helping as wasted time and energy?

NO.  We roll our sleeves up and resolve anew to help just one more person with their healthcare, dental care, clean water, adequate food, strong education, solid housing while instilling in them a hope for a better tomorrow. 

A future where Haitians will be called to ‘live simply so that others may simply live.’  

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